
发布时间:2018-05-31 浏览次数:2952




1.    Shen H, Zhu HDebabrata PanjaGu Q Li Z. Autophagy controls the induction and development decline of NMDAR-LTD through endocytic recycling. Nature Communications (Nature 子刊,IF=14.919). 202011:2979.(第一作者)

2.    Xiaoyu Wang, Naiqi Shi, Meiqi Hui, Hui Jin, Shumei Gao, Qiao Zhou , Li Zhang, Meijuan Yan and Hongmei Shen*. The impact of β-1,4-galactosyltransferase V on microglial function. Frontier in cellular neuroscience. September 2021. (通讯作者)

3.    Wenqing Hu, Jianghong He, Yu Wang, Lingchi Xu, Ying Zhao, Xinping Hu, Hongmei Shen*. Protective effect of Achyranthes bidentata polypeptides on NMDA-mediated injury is developmentally regulated via modulating NR2A and NR2B differentially. Ann Transl Med. 2021 Feb; 9(3): 248. (通讯作者)

4.    RongLu Pan, WenQing Hu, Jie Pan, Li Huang, ChengCheng Luan, HongMei Shen*. Achyranthes bidentata polypeptides prevent apoptosis by inhibiting the glutamate current in cultured hippocampal neurons. Neural Regeneration Research. June 2020,15(6):1086-1093. (通讯作者)

5.    Shen H, Li Z. miRNAs in NMDA receptor-dependent synaptic plasticityand psychiatric disorders. Clinical Science, 2016, 130(14):1137.

6.    Shen H*, Pan J, Pan L, Zhang N. TRPC6 inhibited NMDA current incultured hippocampal neurons. Neuromolecular Med. 2013 Jun;15(2):389-95.(通讯作者)

7.    Shen H*, Wu X, Zhu Y, Sun H. Intravenous administration ofachyranthes bidentata polypeptides supports recovery from experimental ischemicstroke in vivo. PLoS One. 2013;8(2). (通讯作者)

8.    Shen H, Yuan Y, Ding F, Liu J, Gu X. Achyranthes Bidentata PolypeptidesConfer Neuroprotection throughInhibiting ROS Production, Bax Expression and Mitochondrial Dysfunction Inducedby Over-Stimulation of NMDA Receptors. J Neurosci Res. 2010; 88:669-676.

9.    Shen H,Yuan Y, Ding F, Liu J, Gu X. The protective effects ofachyranthes bidentata polypeptides against nmda-induced cell apoptosis incultured hippocampal neurons through differential modulation of nr2a- and nr2b-containing nmda receptors.Brain Res Bull. 2008, 77:274-281.