顾 芸

发布时间:2020-04-22 浏览次数:2348



国家重点研发计划子课题南通大学负责人,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目,国家自然科学青年项目,江苏省自然科学基金面上项目,江苏省高校自然科学研究重大项目及江苏省高校自然科学研究面上项目。入选江苏省青蓝工程学术带头人及南通市“226第二层次人才,获江苏省科学技术三等奖。中国生物材料学会神经修复分会理事,Frontiers in Cellular Neuropathology杂志编辑。

Email:   guyun@ntu.edu.cn


1.    Wang S, Zhu C, Zhang B, Hu J, Xu J, Xue C, Bao S, Gu X, Ding F, Yang Y, Gu X and Gu Y. BMSC-derived extracellular matrix better optimizes the microenvironment to support nerve regeneration. Biomaterials (2022), 280:121251. (通讯作者)

2. Zhang B, Su W, Hu J, Xu J, Askar P, Bao S, Zhou S, Chen G and Gu Y.  Transcriptome Analysis of Schwann Cells at Various Stages of Myelination Implicates Chromatin Regulator Sin3A in Control of Myelination Identity. Neuroscience bulletin (2022), 38:720-740. (通讯作者)

3. Askar P, Xu J, Hu J, Shangguan J, Sun H, Zhou S, Yang X, Chen G, Su W and Gu Y.  The Etv1/Er81 transcription factor coordinates myelination-related genes to regulate Schwann cell differentiation and myelination. Annals of Translational Medicine (2022), 10:875. (通讯作者)

4. Hu JX, Shangguan JH, Askar P, Xu JH, Sun HL, Zhou SL, Zhu CL, Su WF and Gu Y. Decellularization alters the unfavorable regenerative adverse microenvironment of the injured spinal cord to support neurite outgrowth. Annals of Translational Medicine (2022). (通讯作者)

5. Gong L#, Gu Y#, Han X, Luan C, Liu C, Wang X, Sun Y, Zheng M, Fang M, Yang S, Xu L, Sun H, Yu B, Gu X and Zhou S. Spatiotemporal Dynamics of the Molecular Expression Pattern and Intercellular Interactions in the Glial Scar Response to Spinal Cord Injury. Neuroscience bulletin (2022). (#共同第一作者)

6. Wang K#, Gu Y#, Liao Y, Bang S, Donnelly CR, Chen O, Tao X, Mirando AJ, Hilton MJ and Ji RR. PD-1 blockade inhibits osteoclast formation and murine bone cancer pain. J Clin Invest (2020), 130:3603-3620. (#共同第一作者)

7. Chen R, Yang X, Zhang B, Wang S, Bao S, Gu Y# and Li S# (2019) EphA4 Negatively Regulates Myelination by Inhibiting Schwann Cell Differentiation in the Peripheral Nervous System. Front Neurosci 13:1191. (#共同通讯作者)

8. Gu Y, Wu Y, Su W, Xing L, Shen Y, He X, Li L, Yuan Y, Tang X and Chen G  17beta-Estradiol Enhances Schwann Cell Differentiation via the ERbeta-ERK1/2 Signaling Pathway and Promotes Remyelination in Injured Sciatic Nerves. Frontiers in pharmacology (2018), 9:1026.

9. Zhu C, Huang J, Xue C, Wang Y, Wang S, Bao S, Chen R, Li Y and Gu Y. Skin derived precursor Schwann cell-generated acellular matrix modified chitosan/silk scaffolds for bridging rat sciatic nerve gap. Neuroscience research (2018), 135:21-31. (通讯作者)

10. Gu Y, Li Z, Huang J, Wang H, Gu X and Gu J. Application of marrow mesenchymal stem cell-derived extracellular matrix in peripheral nerve tissue engineering. J Tissue Eng Regen Med (2017), 11:2250-2260.

11. Gu Y, Chen C, Yi S, Wang S, Gong L, Liu J, Gu X, Zhao Q and Li S (2015) miR-sc8 Inhibits Schwann Cell Proliferation and Migration by Targeting Egfr. PLoS One 10:e0145185.

12. Gu Y, Zhu J, Xue C, Li Z, Ding F, Yang Y and Gu X. Chitosan/silk fibroin-based, Schwann cell-derived extracellular matrix-modified scaffolds for bridging rat sciatic nerve gaps. Biomaterials (2014), 35:2253-2263.

13. Gu Y, Xue C, Zhu J, Sun H, Ding F, Cao Z and Gu X. Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) facilitates differentiation of adult dorsal root ganglia-derived neural stem cells toward Schwann cells by binding to FGFR-1 through MAPK/ERK activation. J Mol Neurosci (2014), 52:538-551.

14. Gu Y, Ji Y, Zhao Y, Liu Y, Ding F, Gu X and Yang Y (2012) The influence of substrate stiffness on the behavior and functions of Schwann cells in culture. Biomaterials 33:6672-6681.